
3 Technologies That Are Essential for Human Health


In recent years we have been experiencing a rise in technology, its contribution is significant in various areas of human life, whether in the creation of flying cars, robots that imitate human expressions, as well as 3D printing and other advances that benefit human health.

This same impact is being experienced in human health, where men are developing ways to treat and cure diseases, among other problems that affect the lives of many people.


In this article, you will learn about the 3 technologies that are essential for human health.

Video spine surgery;

Through a 1 cm incision, an HD camera is placed inside the patient, allowing the doctor to see a view similar to using a cinema film, called high definition.

This way it is possible to visualize the nerve, the hernia and the disc.

With the help of microscopic forceps, it is possible to carry out the entire necessary surgical process, ensuring an effective surgical intervention.

Before these advances, spinal surgery was something very feared, however, with the advancement of technology, some interventions only require local anesthesia and take around 30 minutes, also favoring a quick recovery.

3D printing;

Before 3D printing, it was only possible to manufacture something in two ways, one of these ways was by hand, however, in addition to taking a long time, it also did not reach the level of detail necessary for medicine.

The other model was the industrial one that met the need for mass manufacturing, however, it did not meet the need for customization required by medicine.

In the medical context, it was necessary to combine the customization of artisanal manufacturing with the mass production of the industrial model, this being the gap filled by 3D printing.

3D printing was a game changer, today it is possible to simulate surgery through 3D printing, as well as showing the patient how the procedure will be performed.

This technique speeds up the procedure and reduces trauma for the patient.

Another benefit is the manufacture of low-cost prosthetics, in addition to customization.

3D printing also helps in cases of skull repair, where parts of the skull that are subsequently implanted are printed, reinforcing the protection of the patient's brain and restoring the original shape of the skull.

 The next step is the printing of organs made from tissue, which promises greater compatibility, reducing waiting lists for donations.

Artificial intelligence;

At the time of X-rays, it was not possible to have so many details about the image, with technological advances, it became possible not only to see an image rich in details, but also to obtain an analysis carried out using a binary code.

Computers can process more information through MRIs and CT scans than a human, who needs many years of experience and a lot of concentration to give a correct opinion.

Artificial intelligence performs all these readings, providing the necessary information to the doctor, considerably reducing the risk of errors.


Technology has been very useful, as it advances we will benefit even more from all the resources it provides us.

We are still at the beginning of many discoveries, however, every day everything becomes more and more present and changes the lives of many people.

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