
Learn Step-By-Step How to Start Playing NFT Games


It's quite common to have a lot of doubts when you start in the world of NFT games, because you end up coming across countless new terms like binance, metamask and pancakeswap, for example.

These are the terms that we will cover in this article, where you will know step-by-step how to start playing NFT games.


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What is meta mask?

It is a cryptocurrency wallet, in practice it is an extension of Google Chrome, which you install to later carry out transactions, whether buying or receiving.

You will need the metamask for 99.9% of the games, with the exception of those that require a specific wallet.

What is Binance?

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange through which you can purchase your virtual coins.

It is needed to buy the BNB Token, which will be used for the vast majority of games.

You will need to deposit money on Binance to be able to buy the BNB Token, for that, just access the wallet, then just click on the second option “fiat and spot”.

Soon after, just go to BRL and click on deposit, then just inform the amount you want to deposit and make the pix with the same amount.

What is Pancakeswap?

Through pancakeswap, a decentralized exchange, you can exchange one token for another, for that, you just need to connect your metamask.

BNB is important as 99.9% of times you will need to swap BNB for the game token.

For this reason, it is very important that you always have BNB in your metamask.

Every NFT game has its own token, and there is a micro-economy that revolves within this game.

The vast majority of games will require you to buy the token for this game, for this you will need to pay with BNB, making a swap from BNB to the game token.

To play, just copy the official token contract and paste it on the pancakeswap page, thus informing your exchange of BNB for the game token.

How do I buy BNB?

You make this purchase at metamask, just access your account and go to cash balance, exchanging reais for BNB.

Soon after, just go to the wallet, then click on “fiat and spot” and then select the option to withdraw BNB, informing the address of your metamask wallet.

It is necessary to register the binance smart chain in the metamask, being necessary to create a custom network.

Just open the extension and click on custom RPC, then just fill in as indicated below;

  1. Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
  2. New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
  3. ChainID: 56
  4. Symbol: BNB
  5. Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

After the configuration is done and saved, you need to provide the metamask data to Binance.

With money added to the metamask, it becomes possible through Pancakeswap to exchange your BNB for the game token you want.


Now that you understand how metamask, binance, pancakeswap works and how to buy BNB, it's time to start the necessary actions to play NFT games.

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