Generally, there are many questions about how consult PIS and PASEP 2022 by CPF. Therefore, it is important to remember that this benefit works as a salary for extra employees.
Therefore, payment is usually made in the second period of each year, but in 2022 payments started from February. In addition, workers usually wait anxiously for the allowance.
Because, above all, it is an extra income that you can make several plans when receiving. With this, you can spend outside the budget or use it to pay off outstanding debts.
However, the negative aspect is that, like other benefits, the allowance can be a somewhat bureaucratic process. Thus, many end up giving up going after the law.
As a result, around 500,000 people have not yet received the allowance, even though they are entitled to it. So, see below how to query the consult PIS and PASEP, whether or not you are entitled and other information.
So, if you need to make sure you receive the benefit, you can make an appointment by accessing the “Meu INSS” website or application. Therefore, after downloading the application, log in with the CPF.
Then search for “Benefits”, and see whether or not you are entitled to receive it. For consult PIS and PASEP, you can also access the Caixa Econômica Federal website. You can also download the “Caixa Trabalhador” app and call 0800-726-0207.
Afterwards, those who need information about the PASEP, just go to the website “Consult your PASEP”. But, you can also call 0800 729 0001. With this, you will have more information on whether or not you are entitled to the benefit.
But, it is worth noting that, at all times, you must have your CPF in hand to access. Well, with it all the information you need will be provided quickly and easily.
Now, it is important to remember that to be entitled to PIS/PASEP 2022, you must have had at least 30 days of paid work in 2021. This is considered the main rule for approving the benefit.
Therefore, know that in order to be approved, you will need to have received up to 2 minimum wages each month.
In addition, it is necessary to be registered with the PIS/PASEP for at least 5 years.
It is also important that the data in the Annual Information List is up to date. With this, after making sure you are entitled to the salary allowance, know that there is the possibility of withdrawing money from Caixa Econômica, Caixa Aqui and lottery outlets.
On the other hand, PASEP beneficiaries can only receive payment at Banco do Brasil.
But, if you don't have an active account at these banks, just withdraw using a citizen card at any ATM.
Finally, after consult PIS and PASEP your CPF benefit and make sure you are entitled to the allowance, it's time to know when you can withdraw. Therefore, PIS payments are released according to the month of birth.
But, for PASEP beneficiaries, receipt is according to the end of the enrollment number.
With this, the payment order will correspond to the date defined with the number of each registration.
Therefore, be aware of the payment schedule, as well as your rights to receive the benefit. In addition, it is important to remember that in 2022 the payments made are still for the days worked in 2020.
That is, payments are made based on the number of days you worked in 2020.
For example, those who worked for a month will receive proportionally to the time they provided services to the company.