
Every day the number of dogs in homes increases, currently this number already exceeds that of children, according to Pet Radar survey 2020, carried out in partnership with the H2R Institute, showed that more than 37 million Brazilian homes have some type of pet.

In addition to being cute, they are loyal and loving, which leads many people to raise them as children, creating deep emotional bonds, where the animal's presence is as important as that of any other member of the family.

If you are looking for a four-legged friend, you can adopt a dog that needs shelter, or even buy one from a trusted place, as they guarantee a pure pedigree.


Now if your dream has always been to buy a specific breed, in this article I will present you with some options, remembering that they are the 3 most expensive dog breeds in the world.

After all, what makes these dogs so expensive? That's what we'll know now!


A noble breed, some historians estimate that these dogs existed more than 329 BC, being considered the oldest breed in the world
