
On August 9, 2021, President Jair Bolsonaro delivered to the mayor of deputies Arthur Lira the proposal for a provisional measure that allows the activation of the government's new social project.

The intention is to offer something more complete than the previous social program, Bolsa Família.

In this article you will better understand your goals, who is entitled to the benefit, among other important information on the subject.


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Auxilio Brasil
Brazil Aid (image from Google)

What are the objectives of the Auxilio Brasil Program?

Its objectives are:

  • Promote citizenship with guaranteed income;
  • Reinforce actions aimed at beneficiaries of the program, with the aim of alleviating the social vulnerability in which each family finds itself;
  • Reduce poverty and extreme poverty of beneficiary families;
  • Support the social development of children and adolescents through financial support;
  • Encourage the development of children in their early childhood, focusing on their health and the development of their linguistic, socio-affective and cognitive skills.

Who can benefit from the new program?

It is important to point out that the provisional measure does not inform the income range of the families that will receive the benefit.


Unlike Bolsa Familia, which was intended for families in poverty with pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years, as well as people in extreme poverty.

The age of beneficiaries with the Brazil Aid ranges from 0 to 21 years old, requiring only that the teenager is studying.

Benefits of the social program

The new government program will bring together in Auxilio Brasil numerous financial benefits, the main benefits are:


early childhood benefit

This benefit will be destined to families that have children aged between zero and 36 months, that is, 3 years old. A quota will be paid for each member of the family within the established age limit.

Benefit by family composition

This benefit will be paid to families that have pregnant women and people aged between 3 and 21 years old, however, they must be duly enrolled in the education network. 

Benefit for overcoming extreme poverty

Additional paid by each member of the family, whose per capita income is equal to or less than the value considered in the extreme poverty line.

In addition to these main benefits, there are also additional benefits that will be paid to each member of the family, such as the limit of five people per family.

school sports support

Paid for families who have the benefits of Auxílio Brasil, who have teenagers between 12 and 17 years old, who achieve a highlight in Brazilian school games.

scientific initiation scholarship

Students from families benefiting from the Auxilio Brasil program who had a good academic performance and stood out in scientific and academic competitions will be awarded a scholarship for a scholarship. It will be paid in 12 monthly installments.

There is no limitation of the benefit per family, so that several young people from the same family can benefit from this incentive.

See how to download the App

The Auxilio Brasil application is available for download on Google Play and the Apple Store. Just click on the links and download to make a query.

Benefits can be paid through the following accounts:

Some additional benefits are:

  • Digital Social Savings;
  • Demand Deposit Checking Account;
  • Special Deposit Account;
  • Accounting Account (social platform of the Program).

Read more:

  • Enrollment in the Single Registry – Know What Is Necessary
  • Vale Gas 2022 – Understand who is entitled and how to get the benefit
  • CNH Digital – Download on your cell phone for free

Finally, now that you know a little more about the program, it's time to register and consciously enjoy all the benefits.
