Learn more about the ins and outs of a pregnancy test and how one app to know if i'm pregnant cell phone can help you right now!
We can say that it is virtually unanimous that the greatest and most transformative feeling of human beings is when they see their child being born.
We can say this because it is very common to hear fathers and mothers say that the best feeling of their lives was the birth of their child.
And it is clear that only those who have children can argue this finding, after all they understand very well what is being said.
But how can you predict the arrival of a child into the world? In addition to the biological signs of the mother's body, there are other ways to find out if there is a child forming inside a woman, and one of these methods is the pregnancy test.
There are only two types of scientifically validated pregnancy tests: beta hCG blood dosage and pharmacy pregnancy tests that measure beta hCG through a urine sample.
The Beta hCG blood test is a collection of a blood sample that quantifies the presence of the hCG hormone in the blood and shows if there are signs of pregnancy, how long the pregnancy is and if everything is going as expected.
This is a hormone that increases during pregnancy and is widely used for the diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy, however this hormone is not specific to pregnancy and can be identified in men or women without suspicion of pregnancy.
If this is your case, a specialist should be consulted.
Over-the-counter pregnancy tests detect the presence of hCG hormone in your urine. Depending on the brand, one test may be more sensitive than the other.
With the most sensitive pharmacy tests, it is possible to detect pregnancy about twelve days after ovulation, that is, a few days before the menstrual delay occurs.
If the test is positive according to the test instructions, you are almost certainly pregnant. If it's negative, it might still be.
There may not yet be enough hCG in the urine for the test to detect.
Nowadays the internet is something super common in people's lives practically all over the planet. It's hard to find someone who hasn't accessed the internet at least once or isn't aware of this tool, which is so popular today all over the planet.
Due to this popularization of the web and devices that allow you to access the network, it has become increasingly common for people to have applications on their devices to help with various functions.
It is common to observe messaging applications, such as social networks, for example calendar applications, we can mention the My Pregnancy Calendar App.
In this case, we highlight a app to know if i'm pregnant widely used at the moment, the Pregnancy + which has the function of accompanying the woman's pregnancy process throughout the period determined between the beginning and detection of pregnancy and its development. it is available for Android and iOS.
It is very common for women to use this type of application on their mobile devices, as they make life easier for people with the saved chronology and the hormonal changes that may occur, among other occasions, such as the discovery of a pregnancy.