
FGTS 2025: Everything You Need to Know

What is FGTS and why is it important?


The Severance Pay Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a right of Brazilian workers created to guarantee a financial reserve in specific cases, such as unfair dismissal, home purchase and retirement. Basically, it works as a forced savings account, where the employer deposits an amount equivalent to 8% of the employee's salary into an account linked to Caixa Econômica Federal.

The FGTS is one of the country's main labor guarantees and plays a crucial role in the economy, helping not only workers but also promoting sectors such as housing and infrastructure.


How does FGTS work in 2025?

With the arrival of 2025, some changes have been implemented in the FGTS to make it more accessible and advantageous for workers. The new rules include changes to the anniversary withdrawal, adjustments to the fund's yield and new possibilities for withdrawing the balance in certain situations.

Who is entitled to FGTS?

The FGTS is a benefit intended for workers with a formal employment contract, including:

Furthermore, some specific categories, such as interns and self-employed workers without an employment relationship, are not entitled to the fund.

FGTS changes and updates for 2025

New withdrawal rules

One of the main new features for 2025 is the expansion of withdrawal options, making the fund more accessible to workers in times of need.

Changes in fund income

The government also announced changes to the FGTS yield, aiming to make it more attractive compared to other forms of investment, such as savings.

Impacts of labor reform on FGTS

Labor reform continues to impact workers' rights, and the FGTS is no exception. In 2025, some changes to withdrawal rules and contribution modalities were implemented to balance the fund's accounts.

Types of FGTS withdrawals in 2025


Traditional method where the worker can withdraw the FGTS balance in the event of unfair dismissal.

Anniversary withdrawal

It allows the worker to withdraw part of the FGTS balance annually in the month of his/her birthday, but prevents the full withdrawal in the event of dismissal.

Calamity loot

Available to workers living in areas affected by natural disasters such as floods and landslides.

Withdrawal for property purchase

Workers can use their FGTS balance to make a down payment or pay off installments on a property.

Withdrawal for serious illnesses

In cases of serious illnesses, such as cancer or HIV, the worker can request to withdraw FGTS to cover the cost of treatment.

FGTS Payment Schedule 2025

Caixa Econômica Federal publishes the FGTS withdrawal schedule annually. For 2025, workers should pay attention to the payment dates according to their chosen withdrawal methods.

How do I check my FGTS balance?

Consultation via the FGTS application

The FGTS app allows workers to check their balance, request withdrawals and track deposits made by employers.

Consultation on the Caixa Econômica Federal website

Caixa's official website offers a portal for detailed consultation of the FGTS, allowing you to check statements and access information about withdrawals.

Consultation by telephone and bank branches

Those who prefer in-person service can check their balance directly at a Caixa branch or by phone on 111.

Step by step guide to withdrawing your FGTS

  1. Check if you are entitled to withdrawal and the available method.
  2. Access the FGTS app or the Caixa website to check your balance.
  3. Request the withdrawal and choose the method of payment (bank transfer or in-person withdrawal).
  4. If necessary, go to a Caixa branch with your documents to complete the process.

Advantages and disadvantages of anniversary withdrawal



FGTS 2025 and self-employed workers

Currently, self-employed workers are not entitled to FGTS. However, there are discussions about the possibility of an optional contribution for those who wish to create a similar financial reserve.

How can FGTS be an investment?

With the possibility of higher returns in 2025, the FGTS may be an interesting alternative for those seeking financial security. However, it still loses out to other options such as CDBs and Tesouro Direto in terms of profitability.

Tips for using your FGTS in the best way possible

FGTS scams – How to protect yourself?

With the rise of digitalization, scams involving the FGTS have increased. Be aware of:

Frequently asked questions about FGTS 2025

  1. Can I withdraw my FGTS if I resign?
    • No, except in special cases such as anniversary withdrawals or for purchasing property.
  2. How do I know if I have a balance in the FGTS?
    • Simply check via the FGTS app, Caixa website or telephone.
  3. Is the anniversary withdrawal mandatory?
    • No, it is optional and must be requested by the worker.
  4. What documents are needed to withdraw FGTS?
    • Identity document, CPF and, in some cases, additional proof depending on the withdrawal method.
  5. Can FGTS be used to pay for vehicle financing?
    • No, it is only intended for housing, health and employment termination.

Conclusion – What to expect from the FGTS in 2025?

The FGTS continues to be an important financial security tool for Brazilian workers. With the changes for 2025, it is essential to understand the new rules and use the balance in the best possible way. Stay tuned for news and always consult official sources to avoid scams and inconveniences.